Saturday, January 10, 2009

How to Run a Constructive and Helpful Sales Account Plan Review – Part 1

I like to think of an account plan review this way: Imagine you are giving your customer a chest X-ray. Imagine you are in there diagnosing what's working, not working, and where you can help.

Last week, I promised to layout the steps and the methods for running an effective Sales Account Plan Review. So, here we go by the numbers:

1) Purpose:
Be clear on your purpose with the sales team - are you reviewing the strategy, reviewing execution, or trying to help the sales team solve a particular problem? Could be all three. Be clear at the outset about the difference between an opportunity review (near term focus) and an account plan review (long team focus).

2) Preparation:
Consider sending some questions to the sales team in advance. That sends a powerful signal about your sincerity and your commitment to the discipline of account planning. The goal is collaboration. The output is creation and evolution of a better plan. You don’t want to simply poke holes in the plan of a team that is unprepared. That is a culture killer.

3) Elevate:
Keep the team focused on the long term view of the account. Poor account plan reviews focus on the near term sales opportunities. This is wrong. Don’t get the team drawn into deals in the pipeline and tactics. It may be appropriate to cover some major deals but only to determine if you need to schedule a deeper opportunity review later. Account strategy is more than a string of individual opportunity strategies.

4) Meeting Length:
For a key account, one should typically schedule 90 minutes. Give it the time it deserves. Give the sales team YOUR time.

5) Time Allocation/Approach
Allocate time to different parts of the plan depending on the planning needs of the account. For example, if we are weak on our relationship strategy, spend a lot of time on that. Account strategy also changes depending on if we are penetrating, growing share, or fighting off a competitor.

Next week, I will cover the broad account planning categories and the type of questions you might ask.

Good selling!

1 comment:

jetseller said...

DO NOT READ THIS...if you are content being a mediocre sales person. The advice and tips Steve's discusses, if implemented, will transform you into a 21st century sales professional. I should know, under Steve's guidance I have crafted the art of consultative selling into a normal and daily process. This stuff really works!!!